This past year was our biggest year yet, with well over 16 thousand rolls of film developed - thats something like 320 pounds of film! We added new people to the crew, got really good at quickly and precisely processing black and white film thanks to our custom modified b&w processor, and upgraded our E6 processing to Bi-weekly.
We got to host 4 events, spanning from regular gallery shows to photo-walks to car meets, and met some many amazing new people through those events.
The most important thing for us to recap however are the photos themselves. We were blown away when organizing this gallery by the incredible variety and quality of the photography our community is making! We are genuinely impressed with every photo in this gallery and highly recommend giving the folks in here a follow.
Is your amazing photo missing? Don't forget to tag us on instagram when sharing your work, every photo in this gallery was found that way! Without further ado, here are our favorite photos shared with us in 2024.